Friday 2 January 2009

An introduction / explanation.

Firstly, I apologise profusely for creating this in the first place. Extra apologies to you if you've stumbled upon this by accident on the net. I suggest you leave now, whilst you still have your integrity and your innocence intact. If you choose to read on you've only yourself to blame!

So the inspiration for this blog came from the range of horrifying fanfiction I've been subjected to over the years. I've come to realise that Rule 34 really does apply to absolutely everything. Wherever there's a fandom, there's fans, and wherever there's fans, there's normal, relatively innocent fans.... But there's also considerably more twisted fans who WILL find attraction in the most bizarre characters, pairings, and sexual kinks. And then they will write about it.

This became apparent when I had the misfortune of finding a certain Harry Potter fanfiction involving Hermione and Draco. Pretty normal for that fandom, you may say. I would usually agree. But in this case, Draco was a ferret, and Hermione was still a human. Basically, she shagged a ferret. And I read that fanfic all the way through, right to the bitter end.

There's something about this kind of car-crash fiction that gets my attention. Once you know it exists, you just need to read it. You know that by the end you will feel dirty, and want to tear out your own eyes, and that a considerable chunk of whatever innocence you had will have been torn away from you. But still, your eyes remain glued to the words on screen, your mouth hanging open in horror.

And this is the beautiful sensation I will be sharing with you in my blog. I will scour the internet for the most mind-scarring, childhood-destroying, eye-burning, and downright weird material, and bring it back here to share with you, my valued reader. At the expense of my own poor, fragile mind.

I guess I'm just generous like that.

Enjoy. (Or not.)

- Alice

LINKS: "Creature Comforts" By Bunney [Hermione/Ferret!Draco fic]

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